Price List
Prices run from September 2019 until September 2020
Riding lessons and Carriage Driving lessons : We specialise in private lessons , semi private lesson and small groups
Introductory lessons : This involves completing required paperwork and meeting the Plumtree team, then a half hour lunge lesson to assess the clients balance and ability.
Adults £35 10yrs-14yrs £25 14yrs -18yrs £35
Taster carriage driving lessons : £45
Pony rides ( 2yrs to 10yrs ) £18
This also involves completing the required paperwork and meeting the Plumtree team. You will then be able to experience carriage driving with Gemma our chief instructor
1/2hr Private riding lessons:
Adults ( 18yrs +): £35 students (14yrs -18yrs) £30 (Juniors 10yrs- 14yrs ) £25 2yrs -10yrs £23
1 hr Advanced Speciality lessons: All ages £40
Dressage. Jumping. Driving
1hr Carriage driving lesson:
All ages £50
Each hour thereafter £40 so 3 hour course is £130
Semi-private lesson ( 2 riders )
1/2hr Adult £32 Student £27 junior £22 child 2yrs- 10yrs £22
Group Lessons 3 to 5 riders
Adults £30. ( over 18yrs )
Students £25(15yrs to 18yrs )
Juniors £20 ( 10yrs-14yrs )
Child £15 (2yrs -10yrs
Equine Interaction Therapy
Private session £45
Small groups (max 4) £15
1hr approx. Hacking with instruction [riders must be registered with Plumtree School of Equitation] All ages £35
Please see the page 'Instructional Rides Out and About' for more information regarding hacking at Plumtree.
Due to the breed and type of horses that we currently have working in the riding school there is a weight limit of 12 stone for beginner clients and 13 stone for advanced clients.
There is no weight limit for carriage driving lessons. There is a wider client base as it is also suitable for those with a reduced level of fitness or have been advised not to ride through accidents or injury.
Stable management and horse care tuition for riders and non riders.
At Plumtree we encourage our clients to enjoy all the aspects of being around horses. The care that the horse needs in its daily life is very complex. Although large in size, they are very sensitive in their nature as well as in their health needs and requiremments. Grooming a horse is a theraputic and bonding experience for both animal and human. However, there are many other ways that this herd animal communicates with us. We enjoy teaching clients this side of horse ownership as it is essential for the horse and very fulfilling for the clients.
1hr Juniors and students: £15
1hr Adults: £20
Discounts are available for parent and child combinations as well as for clients that ride multiple times per week.